Am I offering you strange fire?
Have I taken the name of the Lord in vain?
Have I gone the way of Balaam?
And profaned Your Name?
Does sickness dwell in me because I took your blood and body without examination?
Am I even in the faith?
Have I missed you Lord in prayer?
Have I denied Your Name?
Is it me Lord?
Is it me?
I took vows I could not keep
I took oaths I could not honor
I’ve lied, cheated and stolen
Robbed You in tithes and offerings
Do I stand under a closed heaven?
Is it topped with iron and brass?
Have You withheld the rain of blessings over me?
Are You blessing the work of my hands?
You said if a man works iniquity
His prayer You do not hear
Have my sins separated Your hand from reaching out to me?
Have my transgressions been so weighty You do not hear me?
I have not kept pure hands and a pure heart
O Lord forgive my ways!
The motives of my heart have been filled with personal gain
I have not considered my brother above myself
Lord I consider my ways!
Forgive me now, I repent
I repent of my evil doings
My false witness
The tongue which daily speaks evil
The fire of it spreads like gangrene
I have not withheld it!
Pour out the blood upon me
All over me O Lord
I repent in dust and ashes
I consider my ways
You said if a man's ways please the Lord
You would make even his enemies to be at peace with him
If I exercise Your kind of faith today
You would get a measure of pleasure from it.
I turn O Lord
I turn today
I come back to You
You are my priority
Touch my mouth
Touch my ears
Let the Holy Spirit dwell in me
That I do not sin against You.
Consider Your child today
Consider Your servant
Let me experience one more day of your mercy and grace
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