In the end times, there will be household splits. And these will be for many different reasons, and the Lord has sent me today to address the saints and the...
In the end times, there will be household splits. And these will be for many different reasons, and the Lord has sent me today to address the saints and the...
WHY I AM COMMANDED TO WEAR WHITE I received a commandment of the Lord, some time back in early 2023, to...
(Prophetic Teaching for the Fivefold) So he brought the people down to the water. Then the LORD said to Gideon, “You shall put everyone who laps the water with his...
LAST DAYS TRIB MESSAGES ARE INTEGRAL Prepare to meet thy God (Amos 4:12) Get your houses in order (Isaiah 38:1) Amos 4:12 “Therefore thus I will do to you, O...
EVIL MEN WAX WORSE & WORSE, THE RISE OF WITCHCRAFT Increase of Overt Evil & Occultic Practices Exodus 22:18 states: Do not suffer a witch to live. Not only...
KEEP YOUR VESSEL PURE The Lord says to be careful to keep your vessel pure, keep your ear gates and eyegates pure and to keep your vessel pure. (2 Timothy...