Let me not neglect
The love I have for You
You are the centrality of my life
To have Lordship and dominion
To be my Lover and my protection
Jesus, I love You
Let me not neglect You
Let me not turn away from Your bidding
Your tugging
Your desire for sweet attention
For only I can give You love
In a special way that comes from inside of me
{No one can meet Your need as I can}
Because You’ve made me unique
Your precious possession
To be cherished
And loved
When You call
Let me not turn away
When you bid
Let me not look the other way
I see in Your eyes
A tenderness
A soft desire for me
I see Your nail prints in Your hands
And in Your feet
The sacrifice You’ve made for me
Once again
For real this time
I truly see the love that You individually had
Just for me
Dying on the cross
Let me not lose my focus on You
Let Your vision not become a blur in my eyes
Neither let my eyes become dim
For I want to see You
In all Your nakedness
I am not ashamed
In Your uncovered state
King Jesus
Wearing the crown of thorns upon Your head
Your vision to us marred
Yet, You are so important
Let not one vain thing take Your place
Neither let one meaningless item
Or futile task
Replace the position You have on top of my heart
You are preeminent
For You are my all in all
I pray I never forget
Or get distracted
From the Vision of Perfection
I am beholding right in front of me
My Lover and my King
My Lord
Written May 28, 1999 ~ Poetry by Tiffany M. Parr ⓒ 2020
Photo credit: Picture from the series, "The Chosen".
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