(Poem by Tiffany Parr 7/24/22)
Touch my mouth, Oh Lord
With Your coal of fire
My heart answers Your heart's cry
Send me
Look upon me oh Lord,
Woe is me, for I am undone!
I live in a world of unclean people
Filth is all around me
Though I made a covenant with my eyes
I’ve consumed unclean things
And seen things one should not see
I’ve beheld
And created high places in my mind’s eye
That You’ve not been able to touch
Until now
Oh God, forgive my iniquity
Cleanse my heart that I may know Your ways
That I may keep to Your word
Follow it
Consume it
Eat the scroll You put before me
Touch my mouth that I may speak
Scrape the wax out of my ear that I may hear Your word
Even Your whisper
Your still small voice
And long for Your presence once again
For You have given me the tongue of the learned
That I should know how to speak a word
Make disciples in this season
You have opened my ears morning upon morning
That I may hear Your word
And speak a word in season to that weary one
Who is in need
That weary one
That desperate one,
One who was like me,
Who can not hear and can’t see
Can’t eat, can't taste or feel
They’ve never be overshadowed by the Almighty
Or sat under His precious wing
They’ve never tasted Your word to see that it is good
They’ve never heard Your word over and over
So they can walk by faith and not by sight
Oh God, how will they hear without a preacher?!!!
Here am I Lord, send me!
Here am I Lord, send me!
Lay the hot coal upon my mouth
Take away the residue from my lips
The debris that remains
That which consumes my heart that is not like You
The area of my “unconverted self”
That room I didn’t let you in…..
Take my feet
Guide my footsteps
Release my feet from the snare
Set the path that I should take
Placing your lamp posts along the way
Remove the crookedness from it
And make it straight for me, I beseech You
Clothe me with shoes well-fitted with the gospel of peace
For you have wakened my ear
Morning by morning
Given me a word to speak to that weary one
For, how will they call upon You if they have not believed?
How will they believe, if they haven’t heard?
How will they hear without a preacher?
How will they go unless they are sent?
That they may hear and become converted....
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